"People must know the past to understand the present and face the future." ―Nellie McClung"
  • U: Anonymous
  • D: 2016-09-27 12:47:10
  • C: MP3


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.6 ALPMP3_INT File size CRC
Stored files
1,958 33AEE787
391 701DB629
531 3CA4AA88
8,531 DAF617CB
8,465 4BCAEB52
8,345 B7FA15A0
8,351 E55A44C7
8,490 C6D5AD62
8,487 C579681E
8,487 7EEC1934
8,484 51712CB5
8,414 F7132218
8,523 64DF7C47
8,420 5C958C60
8,293 D5866D48
8,501 E6B3A9FF
8,362 411CC02E
Music files
01_die_stimmung_ist_am_hoehepunkt.mp3 5,916,349 C4156E68
02_mein_freund.mp3 9,795,011 BA7E1B4F
03_geburtstagsmelodie.mp3 8,583,974 C6D3DFCD
04_gefangen_in_maurischer_wueste.mp3 10,086,537 04A4D374
05_bleib_so_wiast_bist.mp3 6,145,182 DDDDD9D2
06_straubinger_zuchthauslied.mp3 8,324,839 2605D196
07_stimmungsboarisch.mp3 7,345,770 17C033FD
08_urlaubsfreude.mp3 6,819,141 597D83AB
09_frei_wia_a_adler.mp3 8,694,733 121701B9
10_stubenrauchberg_boarisch.mp3 7,547,435 2E70D56A
11_kann_des_net_anders_werdn.mp3 8,151,386 418D998C
12_gruss_an_burglengenfeld.mp3 9,028,055 6ED6CA45
13_wir_tanzen_samba.mp3 8,096,006 C1BD9522
14_der_legionaer.mp3 7,721,933 DE7D758F

Total size: 112,256,351
Labels MUSIC, MP3