"People must know the past to understand the present and face the future." ―Nellie McClung"
  • U: Anonymous
  • D: 2023-05-09 09:46:06
  • C: MP3
This file is unconfirmed


ReScene version pyReScene Auto 0.7 k4 File size CRC
Stored files
1,157 091500E4
528,519 F2D8EC7E
299 95F6E2AC
399 28775E3F
231,129 8D9EC347
232,116 BA8DCA2D
227,682 E5114D39
225,201 31C898B6
234,096 95A6FFA9
233,755 92C5E48B
227,793 0266F672
229,642 0F84CCCC
231,974 CB6CA3B0
229,198 37FFC225
Music files
01-tvoi_postoi-proti_nasiliu.mp3 7,568,306 05480DAE
02-tvoi_postoi-oklamana_spolocnost.mp3 7,988,787 98A11168
03-tvoi_postoi-piatok_vecer.mp3 5,485,832 D3D20B9D
04-tvoi_postoi-pokoj.mp3 3,965,014 0D610278
05-tvoi_postoi-prachy_nad_zivotom.mp3 9,129,908 B49CADF0
06-tvoi_postoi-tvoj_postoj.mp3 8,869,455 2B3D318E
07-tvoi_postoi-blb.mp3 5,590,408 11909AEC
08-tvoi_postoi-za_zivot.mp3 6,458,550 649A8173
09-tvoi_postoi-fuck_you.mp3 7,788,989 F3A27FF4
10-tvoi_postoi-oi.mp3 6,367,545 A11F3BC5

Total size: 69,212,794
Labels MUSIC, MP3